Rivers and Harbors

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers navigation mission is to provide safe, reliable, efficient, effective and environmentally sustainable waterborne transportation systems for movement of commerce, national security needs and recreation. Operations Branch supports the navigation mission through routine inspections of congressionally authorized civil works projects. Inspections generally include hydrographic surveys and aerial photography for navigation channels, ports and harbors. Inspections can periodically lead to dredging projects where sediments have moved into the project limits creating a hazard to navigation. Dredging projects occur annually at Anchorage, Dillingham, Homer, Ninilchik and Nome.

A current list of river and harbor projects is provided further below. Each project is divided into three dropdown sections. The Project Overview, Maps and Photos dropdown provides general information regarding surveys, inspections and maintenance as documented in the Project & Index (P&I) Book.  Although this book is updated annually, projects will only show the most recent activity performed, which could be many years ago.

The Hydrographic Survey dropdown includes condition surveys, which are generally a compilation of topographic and bathymetric data within the vicinity of the project. This data is represented by both contour lines and sounding points. Occasionally, the data will be shown as a color chart. This dropdown will display the last two to three condition surveys, including any pre- and post-maintenance dredging surveys that may have occurred within the last five years.

Finally, the Supplemental Data section may contain a variety of documents ranging from technical reports to presentations. Not all projects will contain information in this dropdown.

Overview Map for Civil Works: Rivers, Harbors, Flood Mitigation and Erosion Protection

Akutan Harbor

Bethel Harbor

Collapse All Expand All
 Project Overview, Maps and Photos

Hydro Surveys

 Supplemental Data
  • None 

Chignik Harbor

Cordova Harbor

Craig Harbor

Collapse All Expand All
 Project Overview, Maps and Photos

Hydro Surveys

 Supplemental Data
  • None

False Pass Harbor

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 Project Overview, Maps and Photos

Hydro Surveys

 Supplemental Data
  • None

Haines Harbor

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 Project Overview, Maps and Photos

Hydro Surveys

 Supplemental Data
  • None 

Hoonah Harbor

Collapse All Expand All
 Project Overview, Maps and Photos

Hydro Surveys

 Supplemental Data
  • None

Kake Harbor

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 Project Overview, Maps and Photos

Hydro Surveys

 Supplemental Data
  • None

Larsen Bay Harbor

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 Project Overview, Maps and Photos

Hydro Surveys

 Supplemental Data
  • None

Naknek River Navigation Channel

Collapse All Expand All
 Project Overview, Maps and Photos
 Hydro Surveys
 Supplemental Data
  • None

Ouzinkie Harbor

Pelican Harbor

Port Lions

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 Project Overview, Maps and Photos

Hydro Surveys

 Supplemental Data
  • None

Seldovia Harbor

Skagway Harbor

Photo Gallery

Operations Branch Chief  907-753-5685